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6th June 2020, 08:24
If you have the ten initial letters, put them into an anagram solver such as and that should give you a helpful nudge
11 of 40  -   Report This Post


6th June 2020, 08:24
Fgsltw, I've put a hint on the other thread. Hope it helps, but it can be added to if need be.
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6th June 2020, 09:38
If you have the event then the info from the smallest numerical difference clue numbers should make it easy.
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6th June 2020, 09:43
All sorted. Nice one Lath and very timely. Thank you.
Unfortunately can’t now do any gardening as it’s windy and rainy. Housework I suppose 😥
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6th June 2020, 10:23
Brendan @9 Good point, and I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned this. The lower of the two identical letters (4th of 6 down) seems to fit better with the "maps" of the location I've found online, but the highlighted cells are an approximation of the real thing and it's not easy to tell which cell to use. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

This was balm to the brain after last week's grind, despite me making it more difficult than necessary by forgetting about the initial letters and finding the theme by grid staring!
15 of 40  -   Report This Post


6th June 2020, 10:33
Eventually all sorted out, but I do have a slight niggle. The seventh cell of the 27 can be either of two dependant upon how much artistic accuracy is desired. I do hope that a general representation of the location is sufficient without being over pedantic on the precise points of the curve(s). My leaning is to the lower of the two - but I may be wrong. I thought there were some very clever, and some very devious, clues - some of which led me down blind alleys - especially 27a. Not the most difficult of recent weeks, but still very enjoyable.
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6th June 2020, 10:40
Just realised my reference to "highlighted cells" is irrelevant as we're drawing a curve rather than highlighting, but the ambiguity still remains as Gitto has described it (rather more elegantly than me).
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6th June 2020, 10:40
Totally agree with you Loge. I trust the artistic accuracy is only as demanding as the depicted length of the course!!!
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6th June 2020, 10:42
Hi Loge, my last comment was referring to yours at 15 rather than 17. I do hope you don't think I was being supercilious?
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6th June 2020, 10:48
Absolutely not, Gitto! I added the next post just to correct my error about highlighting.
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