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4th May 2020, 17:49
29A has arguably two possibilities...I'm going with the mild interjection rather than the "you're not finished yet, keep going" instruction which initially occurred to me and would be also have been surprising.

20A doesn't seem to be a dictionary word though it found googling as (4,4) rather than (8)
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4th May 2020, 18:15
ixion, does your alternative end with 'on' (if so, there would be two repeats)?

I think this was another nicely worked puzzle.
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4th May 2020, 20:41
Ah, thanks drxx, I wasn't considering them singly
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5th May 2020, 10:08
O.K., I've finished now. But I was expecting "end to series" to be s, not the end of a series. I assume i have that correct.
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5th May 2020, 10:51
I think it's the end to the puzzle's thematic series.
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5th May 2020, 10:57
...but I think 'of' is marginally better.
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5th May 2020, 14:24
don't think it's anything more complex than the alphabet.
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5th May 2020, 16:15
The same could be said of the theme, but that must have made it a bit harder to construct (quite an achievement, I think).
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5th May 2020, 20:41
Absolutely! - to come up with 13 indisputable letter attachments that don't repeat and then fit the basics into a grid is quite an achievement. Having never watched the relevant progarmme, I was convinced 17 across's letters must be PJ - which held me up for a good time
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5th May 2020, 21:06
Yes, I considered that possibility too - and another abbreviation for the tall building (as it was formerly known).
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