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6th May 2020, 21:27
Thanks again Drxx, I guess that means the the upside down "erie" isn't the lake we're looking for:-)
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6th May 2020, 21:36
I've got the Wiki entry for Sw.. and Am.. and can see the list of names, and, hopefully, it will give me enough info to sort out the rest.
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6th May 2020, 21:36
The instruction to, 'differentiate 81 cells' is a bit devious - you need to know what's being depicted (and it's not really the lake).
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6th May 2020, 21:49
I've notices a striking resemblance between the shape made joining the names and Wild Cat Island - this is excellent, it's just like a treasure hunt:-)
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7th May 2020, 06:28
It is a brilliantly constructed puzzle and we have been spoilt by those recently.
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7th May 2020, 12:05

I am trying to do this from memory without having to look anything up. I remember John and Susan and I think the next is Timmy, but I am short of an M, so must have gone wrong in the top corner. I have got the others.

But it is a brilliant puzzle and you will enjoy your colouring. I agree with those who said we are on a great run - I make it 4 in a row now.
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7th May 2020, 13:04
Hi Grunger,

I finished this about 4am this morning and you're right, the colouring in is a really nice finishing touch. Once I got the Wiki entry, finding the names was quite easy and I loved the way that, when they are all joined, the puzzle comes to life and is a real visual spectacle.

Can't wait for this week's round of puzzles:-)
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