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29th April 2020, 19:34
I give in Malcolm, what is it?
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29th April 2020, 19:35
Cancel that, I've got it.
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29th April 2020, 20:45
My 80 yr old auntie has cracked the famous five clue!
Richard the Third - as Dick is third in the list.
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29th April 2020, 21:12
You do know this is one of those boredom quizzes don't you but this one does have a small prize and you are giving away answers when you solve them yourself when people aren't asking for them
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29th April 2020, 21:17
Lumen, well done to your auntie - a terrific answer, well spotted.
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29th April 2020, 21:20
Lumen, Kudos to your auntie, that was a great spot.
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29th April 2020, 21:23
Quiztime, Lumen shared a clue with us , it led to some Shakespeare discussion and then a little while later, the answer was given. I enjoyed the chat and was happy to see the clever answer. I'm sure other Forum members would think the same. I really don't think Lumen's thread has spoiled things for anyone.

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29th April 2020, 21:25
I get that but right at the start he gave a few answers and said these answers are in the quiz too,
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29th April 2020, 21:32
Quiztime, Lumen gave one answer in the first post - to demonstrate the kind of thinking, the kind of answer required. There was another clue mentioned later in the thread, I don't know if that was from the quiz - I just skimmed over it.

I don't like huge screeds of answers being given away , but this IS a help Forum. Crossword answers are often given, so a couple of answers for a small, maybe local quiz, is not a big issue, surely?
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29th April 2020, 23:53
If anyone fancies a good read, I can highly recommend "Shakespeare: The World As Stage" by Bill Bryson - it's witty, informative and insightful.
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