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29th April 2020, 15:37
I don't normally do this kind of thing, but a relative has sent me a quiz, as i have been in the Shakespeare industry for many years.
Cryptic clue to a Shakespeare play -
'Julian, Anne, Dick, George and Timmy the dog'.
I have no idea.
Remember, an example of the clueing is 'Lizzie's raincoat' (=Macbeth).
Yet also Edward III is definitely one of the other answers, which is def not a fully accepted member of the canon.
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29th April 2020, 15:48
A wild guess, Henry V - a very famous five? (I'm sure you recognised Enid Blyton's characters).
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29th April 2020, 15:54
Mmm, I suppose he is the most famous king five, but that's weak. even more than than the Macbeth one!
How about this one-
Creatively, it's Volvo, Vauxhall. Rolls Royce. Ford and Jaguar -after a second commercial break.
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29th April 2020, 15:56
PS I've never seen any Shakespeare plays, but I assume Henry V is one of the most widely-known. That assumption is because I had heard of it!
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29th April 2020, 16:16
Amazed to hear that Malone, I assumed you were the ultimate polymath!
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29th April 2020, 16:22
Lumen, I don't mind if my random thought is wide of the mark - it's always good to try!

Your 'Creatively, it's Volvo...' looks like merely a string of words to me, sorry!

I did Macbeth and Hamlet at school, decades ago - 'did' meaning read, discussed, sat exams on... I've never been tempted to revisit any of it!
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29th April 2020, 16:30
Maybe it's Will's lost play 'The Car Industry'...
Actually there is a 'lost play, Cardenio. But can't see how that works either.
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29th April 2020, 16:33
Well, I've loved Shakespeare all my life (since I was 10 or so, anyway!), seen most of them multiple times, except the more boring history ones, learned ten lines every Sunday for decades and I still can't make any sense of the car one.
The other is pretty ropey, too

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29th April 2020, 16:47
Thanks Rosalind! As You Like It does appear in the quiz, which is good for you; and so do Loves Labours Lost and Romeo and Juliet, which don't actually include Rosalind, but very nearly, as I'm sure you know.
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29th April 2020, 16:49
Rosalind, lovely to hear of your enthusiasm - and just as well with your name. Although I'm not a fan of the plays, I do like some of Shakespeare's verse (oh, and many of the quotes from the plays).
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