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26th April 2020, 17:28
Thanks, for 25 'close to' = ON + the 'Mogul capital' = ?
111 of 155  -   Report This Post


26th April 2020, 17:37
...son1ofrover1- (perhaps you are missing the principle, as murky has suggested but...) all of the letters in that answer remain in the same order, bar the one that must go to the end.
112 of 155  -   Report This Post


26th April 2020, 17:59
I have ona.a. for 25. I cannot see how the rest of the grid, which I have completed, helps to determine whether the order of the missing letters should be gr or rg
113 of 155  -   Report This Post


26th April 2020, 18:03
I think you've missed the part of the 'message' that begins V.... - this word determines which letters must move (as big things tend to do in a C...).
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27th April 2020, 12:49
I'm really struggling with this week's puzzle with still quite a few of the clues to work out. Any pointers on 1,10, 24 & 26 would be gratefully received.
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27th April 2020, 13:01
1 kiss is the def - the 3 letter word for gang member is unusual
10 artificial leather is the def - cave is an interjection rather than a noun
24 points in image of VR is the def
26 attack is the def
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27th April 2020, 13:56
numbskull - If (like me) for 24 - don't spend time thinking of VR as royalty but another defn.
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27th April 2020, 14:07
I’m struggling with the 29 to 32 sector.
(I have all the thematic stuff.)
Any hints for 29 30 31 32 would be appreciated. Only 31 has been discussed on the threads, and I still don’t get that one despite living in London and being - I thought - pretty up on its districts!

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27th April 2020, 14:27
Hi Lumen, for 31, it was possible to live the good life there. 30 is clever, the product of a thresher (not hard) + an old plough puller (often two) creates another sort of thresher (in a fishy way).
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27th April 2020, 14:28
29 - def is swears. The capital letter in the first word of the clue is misleading
30 (3,3) - def is the first word
31 - def is the first word (think musically)
32 - def is the first 2 words
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