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24th April 2020, 16:09
Tatters... as ever, you are an absolute diamond :-)
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24th April 2020, 16:30
Yes indeed. I would have said platinum. He/she needs a weekly clap too! For those of us who can no longer get the puzzle it is a godsend. Any chance, I wonder, of also getting a copy of the solution to the 3 weeks' old puzzle as well?
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24th April 2020, 16:41
Theragman, you can check the solutions to previous puzzles on Listen With Others or These are updated every Friday, around 4 pm.
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24th April 2020, 16:49
Many thanks malone for this info, of which I was unaware.
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24th April 2020, 17:33
I'm confused already. If the answers are entered from the inner ring to the outer, why do alternate lines stop at ring 3, and every third line at ring 2? Also, as 35 and 40 are both 6 letters and in line with each other, won't the answers overlap?
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24th April 2020, 18:13
Brenclan, 35 is a radial solution, and 40 is in ring 4, so they just overlap at one cell, like the usual down and across answers.

Between successive odd/even radial answers, there is a commonality of three letters, because of their shared cells.

Hope that clarifies it

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24th April 2020, 18:15
Thanks Dylan.
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24th April 2020, 22:19
I'm making quite steady progress with the clue solving but can I just check that, for example, the letter in the inner ring, say from 1 to 4, is the first letter for all clues 1 to 4, and then the letter in ring 2 is the second letter for clues 1 and 2 etc. So if 1 began XYZ, then 2 would also begin XYZ - assuming none of the letters have been moved yet?
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24th April 2020, 23:44
Brendan, what you say is correct, but of course you can’t assume that the letters haven’t moved! I’m finding this very difficult.
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