Re 27a my parsing was a tree (3 letters - makes a nice brew), + the primary letters og general knowledge with IG inserted.
5d I'd never heard of the fish but I put the letters I had in quicksolve and found it. The first two letters are removed and the penultimate letter is 'u' rather than the 'a' your fish will suggest.
Thanks again, excellent parsing on 27!
New fish to me too.
Actually I have one blank square left now, I have TI?E at 19d.
Not sure what kind of clue this one is! It should have an insertion I think but I’ve used them all already.
19d treats the entry from 20a as three letters to make something akin to a phoneme and there are no spare letters. So the book is 4 letters with what I assume is an old way of saying 'not' - 2 letters- in.
So, you're finished? Fittingly today is anniversary of the final day of the journey that is the theme.
New one tomorrow, hurrah!
PS Checked in Chambers and the two letters are indeed obselete for 'not'.