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11th April 2020, 22:52
...'sanction' as in 'approve'.
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11th April 2020, 23:04
Thanks drxx.

I decided to solve 26a and 32a.

I got them and then 23d was so easy to figure out.

Sometimes the mind refuses to work.

All done.
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12th April 2020, 12:22
And it's just occurred to me that this is a significant anniversary.
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12th April 2020, 12:51
Phew! Got there in the end because, thankfully, the two words in 1d and 20d dropped out quickly which made 20a reasonably obvious. One question, 21d...I get the 'Part of Pacific house and the network bit but how do the letters in the answer relate to 'raid'. Ah...having typed that, I now get it. Doh!

Now my head aches.
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12th April 2020, 13:59
That was brutal!

Unable to parse 31down - I have a two letter answer with two letters from the top half. Otherwise wrapped up. I too took ages to parse 21down - it was only knowing that I needed an extra letter "i" that it became clear.
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12th April 2020, 14:26
Bobbyc, the first three letters mean openings (for an anatomist) on top of Institute. The result is 'alternative' ontwo extra letters. The three letters involve a bit of a dig in Chambers.
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12th April 2020, 15:03
Thanks, Granama1. Those "openings" crop up a lot - another Doh moment for yours truly!
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12th April 2020, 15:22
Granama... I’m glad the penny dropped for you on 21D (part of Pacific house). Help! My head still aches on this, my last clue to parse.

I too have what must be the answer and see the network. But how do I parse the last two letters? I need to remove the penultimate letter of the motto from this clue too (unless I’ve erred elsewhere) so I’m trying to make rad work.
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12th April 2020, 15:36
I think it's - 3 initials for the 'network' + 'rad' (US slang 'excellent' = A1)
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12th April 2020, 15:42
Thank you Drxx. Didn’t think about a1 rather than ai. That makes perfect sense now.
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