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11th April 2020, 21:22
Thanks again.

I'm not sure whether to carry on and try to finish this puzzle - or go out for a meal somewhere, then clubbing till the early hours, and as the sun comes up driving over to the coast so I can be first on the beach and get a good spot.

Tough call. Maybe I'll stick with the puzzle. It will probably rain tomorrow.
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11th April 2020, 21:32
If only.....(notwithstanding that I'm probably too old for all that) at least this one has filled lots of the spare time we all have on our hands right now, in my case at least!
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11th April 2020, 21:48
Like everyone else, I found the top half tricky, but enjoyable. Got the names and the unclued answers, and then ran headfirst into the lower half - I felt pain doing it.
But I can't get my head round how 25 is supposed to work. What's the significance of Scottish and gossip?
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11th April 2020, 21:59
Scots dialect for 'holy man' (5 letters) around W - the def is 'gossip' (archaic) 4 letters.
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11th April 2020, 22:02
Hi, I have a 4-letter obsolete word for gossip (aka a female relative) preceded by one of the two-letter pairs from the top half, which in turn give the 5-letter Scottish word for 'saint' around the usual abb. for Welsh
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11th April 2020, 22:20
I was sailing until I met the lower half clues.
I have about 4 remaining in lower half. (It is difficult).

Any help on 23d may get me going again.

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11th April 2020, 22:27
It ends with the 3 letter abbrev for 'month', but the last two letters of the abbrev is the addition (def 'nonsense).
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11th April 2020, 22:28
Sunray, def. is last word in clue, 5 letters, with 2 letters from top half added on at end
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11th April 2020, 22:41
Thanks you drxx and muraria.

I have been trying to find a 5 letter word for nonsense for a while.
It's hard to sanction part that has me stumped.

There has to be a U for United in the answer?
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11th April 2020, 22:50
sunray - usual 2 letter abbrev for sanction (after 'h[ard])'
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