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4th April 2020, 22:33
Hi Malone, hi Ginge,

that explains why I couldn't get it. Judging by the comments it looks like a good one.

Ginge, you've got mail:-)
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5th April 2020, 07:47
I've got the guy's name, what he was in and what he flew it over, but I can't see the two eight letter words. - any hints please:-)

In the phrase spelled out by the extra letters, can anyone explain the parsing for 20d - I've got an E as the extra letter but no idea why.

Also, is the instruction just telling us what to shade - am I right in thinking it doesn't have any influence on the other clues?

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5th April 2020, 08:03
Brendan, one of the words is an actual answer, the definition in the clue helps thematically. The other word comes from the end of one answer, the beginning of another. I think it was a Wiki entry that specifically mentioned these parts.
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5th April 2020, 08:04
For 20 D, my 'e' comes from the 'still stuck up'.

Yes, the shading doesn't affect anything else.
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5th April 2020, 08:09
Good morning Malone,

the only eight letter words I can see are in the middle eight squares of rows 2 and 3, but I can't find any reference between those words and the incident in question - and I've got the Wiki entry open in another window - is that them?

Also, is the instruction to solvers just what to shade, only that looks like it has nothing to do with the theme and can you parse 20d, thanks.
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5th April 2020, 08:13
Sorry, our posts crossed for the second and third parts of my questions.

It's just the eight letter words - are they in rows 2 and three and, if so, why are they relevant?
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5th April 2020, 08:15
Brendan, the first word is in row 3 (which start at 13 Across), the other word, the one that's also a clue answer, is further down - and I think he flew between them...

I'll do some research/Googling, see how that stuff popped up yesrerday.

20 D. The second and third letters are 'still stuck up' - ie the three letter word meaning 'still', with the 'e' removed. The other four letters must be the 'unfinished protective coat'. The whole thing is a 'needle'.
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5th April 2020, 08:25
I'm confused (it doesn't take much these days) my 13a is in row 2? - is the first eight letter word comprised of the last 4 letters of 13a and the first 4 letters of 15a?

Is the second eight letter word the answer to 16a, 17a or 36 - or none of these?

I've Ctrl F'd every eight letter answer on the Wiki entry but with no joy:-(
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5th April 2020, 08:26
Brendan, various permutations of those words ended up with the relevant information as the first 'hit'.
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5th April 2020, 08:31
Okay, I think I've got them. The last 4 letters in 13a and the first 4 in 15a + the answer to 37a.
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