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19th March 2020, 16:14
Five letter word for day's labors . Down freed at the end to make 4 letter word for Beam.
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19th March 2020, 16:15
Beam as in smile.
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19th March 2020, 16:17
Sorry, sunray!
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19th March 2020, 16:22
Short, as in short changed I.e. cheated.
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19th March 2020, 16:22
Thanks to both. I had a wrong letter for an entry (thus an incorrect word) intersecting with "Beam down, freed from the day's labors". With the help from both of you, I've completed this.
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19th March 2020, 16:41
Nothing to be sorry about, aristo.
We both started typing simultaneously.

I probably gave too much of a hint.
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19th March 2020, 18:47
Phew, that is quite a clever clue, really! So have that last 12 letter word.

I have some strange letters for 5 dn

Thank you for encouragement and help, all. My son just delivered wine box, should help!
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19th March 2020, 18:50
I'm glad you've stuck with it Rosalind, it really is an excellent puzzle.

5d is an anagram and a standard word.

Enjoy your wine:-)
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19th March 2020, 19:15
Got 5 dn now, thank you Brendan. I had the answer to 29 ac in 12 ac, which gave the silly letters
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19th March 2020, 21:00
Given the current circumstances, it seems we'll all be in a state of isolation for the foreseeable future and I'm looking for some A1 puzzles to help occupy the mind.

This last crossword was my first Harpers and it was an absolute corker, and so I was wondering if anyone could recommend another one.

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