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18th March 2020, 22:47
I read it as an anagram of IS IN OIL BOAT stocking IT, in which case there's an extra I. Anyway, you'd have either eleven or thirteen letters to work with.
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18th March 2020, 23:05
I see what you mean (I hadn't taken in to account the "stocks it" part of the clue.)

PS Aristo, I thought your "Wax where it's .........." clue was superb.
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18th March 2020, 23:07
Hi aristo, if it had been Listener or such like 't for it wouldn't have been unusual but I haven't seen such like used in Harper's before.
Rightly or wrongly I took it as an 11 letter anagram plus the final letter provided by "stocks" being the ticker symbol for a well-known company quoted on the NYSE rather than a container indicator. I assumed that might be commonplace in the US.
[I momentarily considered the shape of the final letter might represent mediaeval stocks as in H for goalposts :o) ]
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18th March 2020, 23:22
ginge: I thought of the 't thing since, as you say, it's used in British puzzles, but I don't think that's what this setter had in mind. I think the stock thing is a stretch too. I'm inclined to believe it's a boo-boo.

The mayor of Baltimore has asked residents to stop shooting each other to free up hospital beds for coronavirus patients. A once glorious city, now a hellhole.

brendan: Thanks so much. I'm honored.
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19th March 2020, 07:13
I have given up with this puzzle! Ony done a few clues and can't fit them together

What scares me far more than the virus is the possible breakdown of law and order.
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19th March 2020, 14:54
Please don't give up rosalind.

If you can get the 12 letter answers, you will make quick progress.

The first clue is discussed by ginge and aristo.

Let us know if you need help with the other three.

Last two involve anagrams.
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19th March 2020, 15:21
Thanks sunray, have had another look. I have done 3 of the 12 letter ones and fitted them in, but, "Horst is cheated" !!!
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19th March 2020, 16:09
First five letters are anagram of Horst.
Rest is what you did to Horst.
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19th March 2020, 16:11
Cheated is the definition. Think of an anagram of Horst. Nifty clue.
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19th March 2020, 16:11
rosalind, think anagram + 'double meaning' for "Horst is cheated!"

As for me, I'm missing an unchecked vowel for "Beam down, freed from the day's labors". When I have that, my puzzle will be solved.
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