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15th March 2020, 08:47
All done and happily the moving of letters indicated that I'd made a mistake with one entry as the resulting word didn't make sense. Won't say which one as that'll point to where the letters to move are but I had a 'w' at the beginning of a word which sort of fitted the clue, but not as well as the correct answer.
Enjoyed that but was helped by getting 1d and 2a early on which pointed clearly to the theme.
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15th March 2020, 10:00
Can you help with 1d?
Presume it's a thematic location.
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15th March 2020, 10:05
Morning, Lumen.

No good neckwear in set (8)

Yes, it's thematic.

For the clue...

The usual No Good, a three-letter 'neckwear' (for women, usually) - these are inside a three-letter set, place (noun).
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15th March 2020, 10:13
Thanks Malone that will help.
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15th March 2020, 11:44
I actually managed to fill the grid without reference to the Forum, but I'm stumped by the last bit of the endgame. I think I've exhausted every straight line of six, even alternate letters and have found nothing. Any hints welcome!
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15th March 2020, 12:01
Sloth - I'm not sure what stage you mean? Have you done the 'exchange of contents...' part? If not, that requires moving only a set of three letters, swapping them with a set of three letters which are in the same columns.

Once you've done that, of if you've already done that, then the final highlighting can happen - what you've exchanged facilitates finding the 'six letters in a straight line'. The six-letter word is the obvious one, the adjective used in the (song) title has its usual crossword meaning...
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15th March 2020, 19:07
Sloth, I had the same problem as you. I was only looking at the higher of the two rows involved in the exchange. When I went back to it again tonight, it only took another few minutes.
Absolutely brilliant end game.
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16th March 2020, 09:24
Hi all, I thought I had finished last night but in the cold light of morning I see one empty square, and close by, another unpaused solution which could be wrong, affecting it.
39d I have ?RET. After removing extra word the clue reads ‘Section of a briefly scanned.’ Which seems odd as the other removed words clues still make sense?
For 47a I have entered very common plural drink beginning with T. But can’t parse Drinks in interval escape. Maybe it’s a less common drink.
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16th March 2020, 09:31
Lumen, 47 A is a 'hidden in the answer ' clue - and you've removed the correct word so it should be more obvious.

That might help with 39 D.
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16th March 2020, 09:34
Lumen, yes, the clue for 39 D doesn't read very well, but the answer works OK.
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