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14th March 2020, 06:45
I haven't actually seen it yet. I just went out to get The i but none of my local newsagents are open, neither is Waitrose! (When I was younger my friend and neighbour used to get up and go to our local shop do his paper round at around 5.30am! - what's happened!?)

Anyway, I'll go back out in an hour or so but thought I may as well start a thread:-)
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14th March 2020, 08:37
I have returned - Inquisitor in hand:-)

I've only had a cursory glance but it's safe to say that "Remedial Action by eXternal" is going to take some working out!
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14th March 2020, 11:05
I'm finding this much tougher than last week.

14a was my FOI which has led me to the 'titular character of a work' - I think!!
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14th March 2020, 13:15
Steady progress here. Having got 1d and 2a I think I'm pretty sure who the remedial action involved. Still a way to go though.
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14th March 2020, 13:38
14a being my FOI made me spend way too long trying to make the epic poem by STR work!

I think I've got the right work now though and have a completed grid but am having trouble with the definition for 17a, which I've got ending in 'C' and an adjective rather that a noun.

Also, I have answers which I'm pretty sure of for 3d, 6d, 10d and 18d but can't work out the parsing.

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14th March 2020, 14:03
Hi Brendan, 3d check the first 3 letters in Chambers + 'emptied' idiotic. 6d and 10d still to do, 18d the a is demoted from 2nd place in a word that means sturdy. 17a alternative letters + abbrev for account. I was puzzled but lo...Chambers says 'inflammation of...'
14a was your FOI? Still haven't worked it out...ah...have now I think. I guess 'told' means sounds like?
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14th March 2020, 14:05
17a indeed an adjective (def is last 3 words)
3d - 3 letter word for c-p followed by next word "emptied"
6d - two meanings (extra word in clue)
10d - also extra word in clue. Containment of the usual abbrev for college.
18d - simple abbrev of "about" moved down.
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14th March 2020, 14:07
Hi Brendan and granama... You can do this if I can because you are much quicker than me usually. I have a completed grid but still looking for the column requirements...I may be back...
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14th March 2020, 14:08
Hi Granama,

I'm looking at the first 3 letters of 3d and can't see anything relating to 'cattle' or cattle-pen' - just the young of an animal or a beginner?

14d You got it - and can you see why I went off on a 'Rime of the.....' wild goose chase:-(
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14th March 2020, 14:13
The young animal is it.

There are quite a few column candidates in the grid - I looked for a way to make the highlighting work (it's pretty obvious what's required and it really cuts the options down).
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