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Crossword Help Forum
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10th March 2020, 06:59
It seems to me that there is too much idle chitchat on the forum,. Can we please keep to the point?
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norah (admin)

10th March 2020, 08:12
This is a friendly Forum and neither Ash nor myself would wish our users to become robots. I do not read all the threads so perhaps you could please pinpoint one or two examples for me to see.

Also, please could my regular “Spam” correspondents let me know what you think, either privately or in this thread.
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10th March 2020, 09:53
No names ,it's just a general impression.
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10th March 2020, 10:01
Why has malone's reply disappeared?
I don't think it's necessary to censor chats.
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10th March 2020, 10:03
We have just moved (this morning) to a new hosting setup that's more resilient. This may have caused the odd post to go missing if it was posted during the crossover.

Apologies for this - it's not censorship.
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norah (admin)

10th March 2020, 10:08
Oops, modern technology at its best.

Malone, if you are about perhaps you would post again. Basically, she thought that the odd digressions weren’t a problem and that it was easy enough to skip through a bit of chat.

From what she says, I don’t think it’s excessive but I would welcome other viewpoints.

Derekack, I note your reply, as you will see I’m getting feedback from our regulars to judge how much of a problem the chat is causing.
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norah (admin)

10th March 2020, 10:29
I’ve been talking to Ash about Malone’s missing message and any others that have disappeared. He says that a few might have gone AWOL In the short time between when he took the backup and then moved.

I want to stress that no posts have been deleted deliberately this morning, there is no Censorship Warden on the prowl.

Could you please resubmit any posts that have disappeared.
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10th March 2020, 10:57
What's happened to PERSONAL CHATTY THREADS, with elle and rusty (mostly) posting several times a day to each other? It's gone quiet since 21 Feb. Are they all right?
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10th March 2020, 11:03
elle is taking some time out, but I'm sure she will be back sometime soon.

I think the chat level is fine. It's a very friendly forum and I, for one, appreciate it exactly how it is. No-one needs to read the Personal Chatty Thread if they don't want to do so and chat on the other threads is rarely extensive.

Thanks Norah and Ash
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10th March 2020, 11:13
Hello again, Norah
Hello, Ash, Chris, everyone...

Norah, I wouldn't for a minute think that my post was deleted for any sinister reason!

To summarise my earlier post -

I feel the Forum is a friendly place. Some of the Forum members are regulars and over the years have got to know each other a little bit, picking up on people's likes, dislikes, interests etc. This leads to a bit of chit-chat from time to time - it's never excessive, but it does occasionally lead to a bit of straying from the initial point, crossword query. This doesn't bother me - I scoot past any posts mentioning cricket, football etc. I'm sure other posters do the same with my offerings, ramblings!
I know other Forum members seem quite happy with things the way they are now. This was mentioned in a recent thread - post 40 on Inquisitor 1637.
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