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23rd February 2020, 15:37
Kirky, glad I could help.
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23rd February 2020, 17:13
Kirky, wee extra hint on 3 because I struggled with that one. Your m should be an n but will still be a clash. US word for a sulk followed by What kind of doctor manipulates the news? Each reversed.
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23rd February 2020, 17:16
Malone, me too on 17, was sure it had to start med. Never heard of the other.
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23rd February 2020, 18:17
13a Showed daughter border (4) RIN? ............ but think one's a clash
21a Dodges? Every clue has at least a couple (though not original) (7)
P?C?E?S ...another clash?
6d He cracks releasing tense strap (4) ?ESS
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23rd February 2020, 18:27
6 The 'He' is spare. Cracks = a five letter word for jokes (noun or verb, it doesn't matter) then remove usual Tense. It's a word meaning 'strap', I think it's a noun - I checked it yesterday but can't remember the details!

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23rd February 2020, 18:31
There are clashes in the other two.

13. Ignore the 'i' for now. A three-letter 'showed' (maybe a film in the cinema?) +daughter. The word was new to me, but means Border.

21 The answer is Dodges, noun, scams. The rest of the parsing is - look at something every clue has, and remove the first letter... The P is the clashing letter, you need something else.
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23rd February 2020, 18:31
Thanks malone ...yes i've heard of a ?ess before!
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23rd February 2020, 18:33
13a ...yes i had that answer but didn't check that it meant border!
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23rd February 2020, 18:33
Xwordfan, glad I could help.
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24th February 2020, 11:21
I've never read such heresy! This poet is an important part of our cultural heritage.

However, his work does seem to appeal particularly to children, men and the English. Dare I suggest, malone, that because you are a Scottish woman that is why you have never met anyone who likes it and it doesn't appeal to you?

As for its literary merits, I notice two of his poems have made it into the Oxford Book of English Verse. It is nonsense verse but it makes more sense to me than a lot of other poetry I've read. Try reading the poem that begins "You are old, father William" and then compare it to the Robert Southey original to appreciate it all the more. It's hilarious!
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