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30th October 2019, 19:43
So the endgame is a bit of a muddle, and rather unsatisfactory, with different people having different views as to whether or not it matches up to what we were told would happen. Many people hoped there was a smarter outcome to be found, but are now preparing to be disappointed. Anyway, enough about Brexit, how did everyone get on with the crossword? 😝
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30th October 2019, 19:56
btw, in 12d what does “11” signify? I think I know what letter it produces, but not why.
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30th October 2019, 22:53
Haha - exactly so.
Your letter (o) is used to represent the number 11 in medieval roman numerals.
I still harbour a slight worry that we have all missed something very clever in the end game but have sent my entry off now.
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