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25th October 2019, 18:59
...if the puzzle involves numbers or any mathematical concepts, this will be my first and last post on it.

PS Most people don't see the puzzle until Saturday, but some early birds tackle it on Friday evenings.
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25th October 2019, 19:09
Thanks, Malone

I have filled the grid which was medium difficulty.

But I am struggling to interpret the preamble, as the names that I can see could hardly be described as "hidden"
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25th October 2019, 19:12
Woodlouse, I'm one of those who won't see the puzzle until tomorrow. I've started posting this thread on Friday nights just in case any early solvers have comments or queries.

Glad you've got the grid filled.
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25th October 2019, 19:19
Understood, Malone

For the avoidance at doubt, I was (1) thanking you for setting up the thread, which enabled me to (2) direct my query to anyone who might see it at any time.

Thanks once again
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25th October 2019, 19:23
"analogous" is a bit of a weasel word. I don't think the person who is a clued entry is one of the ones we're looking for (but I could be wrong). I thought there was a Times (and thus presumably Listener) ban on names of living persons just in case they stopped being living between acceptance and publication.
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25th October 2019, 19:26
Very lucidly explained, Cockie. But I think you've made that rule up.
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25th October 2019, 19:26
But now I see I was wrong. Always the way.
1 Post
2 Penny drops
3 Feel foolish
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25th October 2019, 19:31
Well, Cockie I'm feeling stupid because the penny hasn't dropped.

Are the two obvious suspects within the scope of the preamble?
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25th October 2019, 19:34
My understanding is that The Times bans the use of names of living people in both clues and answers. The Listener has no such rule.
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25th October 2019, 19:41
Ah, thanks for that, Woodlouse! I didn't want to look as if I was ignoring your query. I'm glad there are other early Listeners around.
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