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26th October 2019, 23:11
19a has a clash in the penultimate cell. It also has an extra letter. Flywheel is the definition, spinning is an anagram indicator and velocity the expected/usual abbreviation.

1a is altered thematically . Look to see how the letters you have compare to ‘the end’ of one of the words in the clue. This word also provides a definition of sorts... I wasn’t wild about this clue!
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26th October 2019, 23:13
19a - spinning is an anagrammiser
1d - look at second definition of campfire in Chambers, bear in mind it’s thematic.
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26th October 2019, 23:15
Sorry Ethik. Just spotted you said 1d and I gave 1a.

1d is also altered thematically. Look up the def of campfires in chambers. Also crumpet to find a more obscure definition. Let me know if you want a more explicit hint
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26th October 2019, 23:24
The light has dawned. Thanks to all!
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27th October 2019, 10:11
The grid fill was pretty straight forward. It could have been made more difficult by giving the length of the modified answers. It was easy to identify the modified answer clues.
I found the end game a bit disappointing - assuming I have got it right. I am still open to the possibility that there is a clever end game yet to be found and the two names we can see are red herrings but can’t see it. Is there more to the title than the obvious date reference?
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27th October 2019, 13:01
Smithsax, I agree that there may be something else. If the analogous connection is flags it doesn't work because one is half a flag, the other more like a quarter. But the most worrying aspect is that one of the names that solvers here seem to have highlighted is NOT hidden - indeed it was clued as a politician, so very overt. Either the preamble is unfairly misleading or there is something else.
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27th October 2019, 13:31
The diagonals represent the countries who didn't want to be taken out.
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27th October 2019, 14:48
I agree murky. If Deuce had wanted to try to hide the across name it would be easy to split 25 and 27 into three three letter words and a three letter abbreviation. Have been playing with letters in the title and letters in analogous patterns using the substitution technique for the clashes but nothing has dropped out yet.
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27th October 2019, 15:15
I agree with murky; like others on this site I am finding it hard to accept that the clued Nigel could be described as 'hidden'. I'd be keen - indeed grateful - to hear if barista, smellyharry or woodlouse think that F and JRM are the names to be highlighted and if so why? Or if anyone has any other ideas...?
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27th October 2019, 22:07
Can some kind soul explain the orally perverted part of 3dn? I'm presuming the answer is rested
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