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1st October 2019, 17:49
Can anyone please give hints for
16. Emigrant ran away from first appearance (11)
25. People on a stretch get three feet stilts, for instance (9)
47. Peter with pick alongside obe prisoner where they could all be seen(10)
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1st October 2019, 18:08
16 anagram of first two words
25 word for a convict starting with another way of saying three feet
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1st October 2019, 18:18
Thank you Quocunquo Got 16 - will work on 25.
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1st October 2019, 18:40
In 25 the stilt in question has nothing to do with clowns or circuses
47 is a charade, the parts of which are peter/pick/one/prisoner.
The whole thing enables an observer to see in all directions.

I'm still seeking advice on 86 Incentive for shopping (6).
Indications from the clue are sparse.
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3rd October 2019, 09:24
7. How about Australia? Stuck on 55. Debt collector has a good time in prison (7) Thinking possibly a lengthy sentence? What do think for 86? Thanks
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3rd October 2019, 17:54
First part of obscure word for debt collector but a 3 letter word for brown + abbr. for good + 3 letter word for a period of time.
Any help please on the following from anybody? Will reply with clues for answers I have
Does 34 start with t and end in e?
Is 92 b,i,b?
and clues please for 34, 54,62 and 86
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3rd October 2019, 17:58
It's always good to give the clues. Not everyone here has a copy, and some would be happy to help.
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3rd October 2019, 19:10
loobylooby - 34 you're on the wrong track with t....e. Think of horse racing slang for odds of 3/1.
54 Beryl is a stone is it not? Black & white comedy films.
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3rd October 2019, 21:52
Still confused with clue 47. Peter with pick alongside one prisoner where they could all be seen. 10
Help appreciated with
62.... bur does this one, head feline's nemesis, just to make holes in the ground. 6
69. I foil exam translation but she finds the answers on this with no chance of hearsay. 6,7
96 Dull writing is abridged by ten - not specified.They are brought before court.
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3rd October 2019, 22:56
I'm sure I'm being really dim about this but my only remaining clue is 37 - Pursues in trying situations. My only possible answer doesn't tie in with "pursues" according to definitions in Chambers. A nudge would be much appreciated.
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