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6th August 2010, 14:46
6d noise (like a floorboard when loose)sounds like a river often in USA. Hope that helps.
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john (from arran)

6th August 2010, 15:00
For the last four letters of 7A, Google for a Rock Group formed by Bryan Ferry in 1971.
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7th August 2010, 10:14
Karen and John (from Arran). Thank you again for your help. I would never have got the Rock Group. With the regard to the sound, I was left with a choice of two words - both could have fitted.

When I first visited this Forum I used to wonder what RTE was which appears regularly on the Forum as well, always with the same numbers of our own dear RT. Does anyone know? Also I agree we should not have two sites. I visited the site you suggested John re the farad and it didn`t make much sense to me. On a simpler level does the word farad come from Faraday? Your knowledge amazes me Have a good weekend, everyone
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7th August 2010, 10:39
Hi Mondrian, yes farad short for Faraday
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john (from arran)

7th August 2010, 12:34
Hi Mondrian,

Just another piece of useless information filed away when I worked in TV broadcasting. RTÉ is the Irish equivalent of the BBC, many years ago it used to be called">Radio Telefis Éireann but is now simply RTÉ Commercial Enterprises Ltd. A company wholly owned by the Irish people.
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7th August 2010, 23:24
Late again this week but really struggled with this one. Took me all afternoon to work them out. As mentioned in previous posts, some awful clues. And as for 6D - what is it - just didn't make sense or is it just me?
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john (from arran)

7th August 2010, 23:35
Alternative clue for 6D:

One hundred rake mixed floorboard noise
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8th August 2010, 14:33
H all, due to late delivery of RT, and week-long visit by one of my daughters and her lastest off-spring, I've been struggling to do this week's puzzle. However, looking at the threads has helped enormously. I thought this week's was really hard, liked 3d; 14a took me ages, I'd got the anagram and was trying to fit it to a place rather than a feature
Some of the clues were really easy 10a, 11a, 12a,but I'd've never got 22a without your collective brain power...

I can't get 5d what may take in marine creature

6d grating sound
-r-a- - I've put great, but judging from comments that doesn't seem correct, and my brain's hurting

17d holds inner longing for animals
This one completely eludes me

19a the only composer I can think of is Sibelius, but can't see the why of it...

21a non-stop flight

Any help, obscure or otherwise greatly appreciated!!
Many thanks
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8th August 2010, 14:37
Ops, back again, struggling with 4d - dodgy old presenter???
I've put Norman but can't think of a surname!!!

Apologies for all the help I'm asking this week
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8th August 2010, 14:56
21. Escapado
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