I see that many of you have solved this puzzle.
I hope this thread is still good for folks who need help.
Preamble is:
Apart from 1 across, each clue is really two clues side by side but not overlapping, leading to two answers for symmetrically placed entries; either entry may be clued first. In each pair, the wordplay
for one of the answers either leads to that answer with an extra letter that is not entered in the grid or omits one or two letters of the answer.
Solvers must draw a curve through the centres of the
omitted letters’ cells, in an order suggested by “Leader of Whitechapel gallery fully into data processing”, and extend each end of the curve to its nearest grid-corner. The extra letters from
clues spell out an instruction that solvers must then follow. Next, an object described by two hidden words must be filled in, in the specified colour, and the description changed to the object’s name by
replacing the last letter of one of its words with two letters. Two symmetrical entries describe what else solvers might see. The Chambers Dictionary (2016) is the primary reference.
Can someone help with both 4D?
Harm to membranes regularly making
protozoa ooze round rising mould (7)