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16th June 2019, 05:43
Another good, fun puzzle.

That said, while the answer to 16d is 'seems' clear enough, the parsing has me baffled, especially the reference to 'liberal' - 'L' doesn't appear anywhere in my answer so 'dropping it back two places' is out of the question. It would sort of make sense if the L were to be swapped with another letter but that's about as far as I get!

16d Ousting when liberal drops back two places in poll (8)

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16th June 2019, 06:08
Hi Brendan, L drops back two places in the alphabet.
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16th June 2019, 06:13
Got it, many thanks Mattrom.
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16th June 2019, 08:08
Can anyone help with 26A? I've got all but three letters but still can't work out what it could possibly be!
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16th June 2019, 08:09
27a and 17d: I can find words to fit, but can't justify them beyond, "Well, they fit." Pointers?
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jack aubrey

16th June 2019, 08:10
Rather anagram heavy overall; and 15 is just plain wrong - Sturgeon’s aim is not the key word for the answer. That is already in place. Her aim is independence.
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16th June 2019, 08:19
Never mind. Got it. I had 16D wrong: read Ousting as a verb, as most people will, I reckon.
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16th June 2019, 08:20
Good point, Jack! The clue for 5A seems back to front to me, too.
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16th June 2019, 08:27
Hi Biggus
17D: Think Yiddish sentimentality and cut it in half, then add synonym for exude ('percolate' doesn't really capture it, imo)
27A is just an anagram of the author + fr
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16th June 2019, 08:33
Is there any justification for "frequently" = "fr"?
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