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1st May 2019, 16:42
Hi, cass,

For 12dn, the misprint is in the last word, which changes from “bleed” to “breed”. The city is Rio, contained in C (IVR for Cuba) and the first letters of “liable, letting odd”.

For 14ac, “bride” must be corrected to “brine”. The definition is therefore “Scar hidden by brine in Oz”. The beach paradise is Bora Bora”, with M (Mike in NATO alphabet) replacing the first RA (Rear Admiral). A new word to me.
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1st May 2019, 17:25
Hi Wintonian - Thanks for pointing out my mistake re the def of 14a. Never was any good at Geography.....

It's my third Listener, and I hope I'm on the right track with this one. Grid is filled and I've "rescued" the three normal nominals, leaving a number of empty cells and a trail of bloodshed from the other six unfortunates. SP is the theme, and SPB the good guy.

I've identified the SP nom in the grid (I think), and am assuming the final instruction is for it to be suitably shaded. How am I doing?
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1st May 2019, 17:50
All good alanw
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1st May 2019, 20:35
Thanks wintonian. I did play around with both 'breed' and 'brine', although obviously, not seriously enough!

I have the names, SPB etc, just one misprint to ID and one extra word to locate, then I can relax!

Thanks again to all contributors to this thread.
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1st May 2019, 20:40
Thank you, alanw. I understand the word play now. And thanks again for all the help you provide here.
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2nd May 2019, 08:37
Nearly there but I still have some clues unsolved and would welcome help to get this puzzle over the line.
27d. I think the 'ey' moves, maybe to the following word. And I have RA?E and so I think I have an answer but can't parse it.
26d. I think the misprint is W in the last word?
31a. Both of the above speculations lead to a set of letters that will not reveal a sensible word and other than 'streetwalker' being extra I can't get this one at all.
Also is 'scarlet' hidden in the grid?
And finally I have the instruction apart from a sensible last 5 letters. I have WT HUE and while HUE makes sense, WT does not seem to.
Thank you for all of your patience. I would hate to put this one aside now when I feel so close.
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2nd May 2019, 08:51
26 D. The misprint gives a P in the last word.
You've nearly got the end of the message - the W is wrong, it's the P from 26 D. There's a letter before that - from 20 D. That should resolve your 'scarlet' query!

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2nd May 2019, 08:56
Aaaaah! Thank you, Malone
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2nd May 2019, 09:07
Catkin, glad that helped.

27 Your letters are correct, the 'ey' does move - and the resulting answer is defined by the amended first word in the clue.

I'm not sure how all of 31 works. The answer is defined by the last two words in the (treated) clue. I think the 'outstanding' refers to the second half of the answer.

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2nd May 2019, 09:43
Hi folks. Started this one late and finding it one of the hardest Listeners I’ve tackled recently. Too many different styles of clueing in one puzzle for me. I have about two thirds of grid filled and cannot for the life of me get 1D or 10A. As far as I’m aware these have not been mentioned so it must be just me who can’t parse them. Any help please would be greatly appreciated.
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