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28th April 2019, 23:09
Thanks unclued, it was as I had thought, I just didn’t see the names in the three words. However, is Agnes a French name and, if so, is “Mia” an abode? Or am I missing something. Also, I have “Farrow” as one of the extra words but can’t find a word for it after the deletions, apart from “lain”.
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28th April 2019, 23:12
Silly me. Just after posting I realised about the actress.
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29th April 2019, 13:22
Plodding along and nearly there. One or two still frustrating me. We seem to be in a run of very hard Listeners. Thanks as ever for the input here. It all really helps when the inevitable brick wall arrives. I will get there in the end, but for now I am troubled by 22 by where the 'chip' comes from to circle round SWI. Does 'race circuit' become 'chip'? Or is 'race' extra?

Also I have the last 2 letters of 17a as VT. 8&9 seem like solid answers to get this, but I am guessing that 8 is wrong as it doesn't sit nicely later on.......
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29th April 2019, 13:25
Rrrobbo, the V in your 17 A is wrong.
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29th April 2019, 13:30
OK, got 17a to prove 8d wrong......
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29th April 2019, 14:02
rrobbo, for 22 race is extra and chip = circuit. 8 down is thematic with L taking the place of I in CHARIOT.
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30th April 2019, 13:35
I thought this was excellent. Looked intimidating at first but was just about crackable.

Only loose end for me is 42a. I have moved ‘per’ to the last word so have a definition I’m happy with, but can’t see the wordplay. Is there a word for an Asian rhino in there somewhere, or is it currency?

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30th April 2019, 14:05
Figured it out now, the old ‘at’ of course.
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30th April 2019, 17:48
I have hit a wall here.
I get the theme, have all the names and most of the extra words. But am struggling to solve the last clues. Using previous hints I have the name for 8d but this contradicts what I thought was a very good answer for 17a. I have its 4th letter as 'O'. If it is 'R' can someone help me to parse the answer?
Then to get me going again help with 19a would be welcome.
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30th April 2019, 18:23
Catkin, the fourth letter in 17 A is definitely R - and read backwards it describes Huey, Dewey and Louis. Read forwards it's laughter from....a place.

19 A has lots of 'points', geographically speaking. There's a misprint at the start of the clue.
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