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31st March 2019, 22:31
Further to my last, the clue is also wrong for other reasons. It exhibits similar faults to 26 ac in that It's not &lit, since the entire clue doesn't define the answer, and therefore requires a definition. If "state" is meant as the def, it is both doing double duty and is in the wrong place.
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31st March 2019, 22:32
Re 26a,
Seems to be another &Littish clue, as Samoa was administered by NZ from 1914-1962. Not sure whether it's SA(y) for sate, or the first letters as has been said.
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31st March 2019, 22:33
Crossed posts, Quocunque
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31st March 2019, 22:36
Some of these clues should really be named 'nearly lit'.
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1st April 2019, 00:17
quocunque (and others) - just seen your question. The way I define 24 is: (with) bigot at heart (ie g) host (def) is pride (dignity) outside art (skill). The whole clue also being &lit definition.
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1st April 2019, 09:30
Thanks for the clarification Prospero. I am still of the opinion that an &lit doesn't require a def and that if there is a def it should be at the beginning or end of the clue.
I also think a good clue should be a clear set of instructions leading to the solution. You shouldn't be required to perform retrosoective linguistic and verbal contortions to fit asolution to the clue however obvious it might be. My acid test is whether the clue can be solved without half the letters being provided by crossers.
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1st April 2019, 09:30
Hi Brendan, I do live in NZ so it was the afternoon for me. I was impressed at your dedication so late at night!
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