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31st March 2019, 18:49
Hi Quocunque, I hear what you're saying, but that assumes the definition is just 'Host', whereas doesn't the &Lit nature of the clue means it's more likely the definition is all the elements - namely, (a) ' bigot at heart', and a 'host without art (or) dignity'?
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31st March 2019, 19:08
Stuck on three.
German army unit (1, 5). ? Force ?

Early on state administered by old NewZealander. (Fraid I’m not up on NZ history). (5). S?m?a

The French bay is severely run down. (4,3). Last out?? But what does that mean?


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31st March 2019, 19:11
Yes Brendan. I agree with what you say but shouldn't the clue still be parseable in the sequence in which the particles are presented. It's not simply that they should be present somewhere in the clue. As a cryptic solver for some years, this has always been my understanding. &lit simply means that the whole clue defines the answer, and that there is no additional def.
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31st March 2019, 19:21
I am also at a loss to explain two of these clues and along with catcharmer would appreciate an explanation.
The only difference is that I have LASH OUT for 4 dn not LAST OUT.
I can parse the bits of 26 ac but what does Samoa have to with "New Zealander"?
Thank you
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31st March 2019, 19:24
G for German, force for army gives a unit of gravity
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31st March 2019, 19:52
Thanks quocunque. Makes sense. As does lash out - shout meaning bay. Is Moa an old NZer? If so, the def. is state.
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31st March 2019, 19:53
Brendan. The presence and positioning of the word "host" in the clue baffles me. If it's &lit, it doesn't require a def and "host" is redundant since it isn't part of the wordplay. If it's not, then "host" is in the wrong place. It should be at the beginning or the end of the clue.
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31st March 2019, 20:04
I see what you mean Quocunque, it looks like it could be an ill though out clue. I think I'll just wait and see if maybe someone will come up with a more complete explanation.
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31st March 2019, 21:07
Thanks Brendan. There seem to be more of these loose clues in Everyman these days
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31st March 2019, 22:14
I think you have it catcharner and it's worse than I thought. A moa was a NZ bird, now extinct I believe. It's goes alongside SA which is supposed to be the first letters (early on) of State Administered. Awful.
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