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31st March 2019, 00:43
Well, definitely easier than last week, though still with a few challenging clues.

The definition at 24a has me completely foxed. The only thing I can think that it might be referring to is maybe Norwich's own "Knowing me knowing you", but I'm pretty sure that's not it?

Again, I'm interested to hear the views of others.
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31st March 2019, 00:49
Yes, and it won't please everyone.

Not a huge fan of '& lit' clues unless they are elegant.
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31st March 2019, 00:54
Honestly Mamya, I wasn't even going to include my theory of the definition because it just sounded so bizarre, I thought "there's no way that can be right"!

I also think 18a, 26a and 21d might cause a few headaches.
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31st March 2019, 00:56
Well, maybe we are both wrong - tomorrow will tell.
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31st March 2019, 02:02
Actually Mamya, I was thinking of "& lit." clues the other day when Kt17 started his 'Dantean....' post. People were rightly praising your long and valued contribution on this forum and I remember that you answered my very first question when I joined. The answer was 'Tour de France' and you patiently explained how every letter was parsed. Regarding the "& lit", Andy explained what they were and told me they are a"prized thing" in crosswords (the answer, by the way, was 'Elephant Grass') - isn't it funny the things we remember :-)
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31st March 2019, 02:48
Hi brendan, I tried to parse 24a. Best I could do is:

def = host = Mr Partridge - in which case you are right

dignity = PRIDE
skill = ART insert after P
bi(g)ot at heart = G insert after D

be gentle - this is my first post.
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31st March 2019, 02:52
I liked 26a (I am from NZ) and 21d. 18a not so elegant for me.
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31st March 2019, 03:04
Hi Matador, welcome to the Forum, we're a friendly bunch, I promise you. (I thought you might be from Spain!) :-)

I parsed 24a exactly the same as you, but I was thrown by the definition, or rather what I perceived to be a lack of one. Mamya says it's an &lit clue and that's good enough for me - she is a really skilled parser.
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31st March 2019, 03:18
Thanks brendan.
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31st March 2019, 03:22
Thanks Matador, I look forward to chatting with you again.
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