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28th March 2019, 08:36
Gazzar, I think you're right about the other = 'it', both referring to sexual intercourse. It's not the sharpest or most elegant of clues/clue parts, but does the job!
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28th March 2019, 09:33
Thanks malone - I never twigged that.
On another note, two vacuous questions:
1. I don't get notifications of any replies to my posts on here, even when I remain logged in - should I? Or do I need to keep checking in to see if anyone has replied?
2. I won the Listener puzzle of 23rd February but am still waiting for my prize. Does anyone know how long it should take to arrive or am I just being impatient? I don't do the puzzle to win (it's the taking part, etc etc) but it would be nice to know...
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28th March 2019, 09:57
Hi Gazzar, massive congratulations on winning the Listener, unfortunately, never having won, I can't help you - Malone's the one to ask :-)

Regarding the replies to your posts, I think you need to refresh the page, either manually or with an extension added to your toolbar.
Also, I think you can choose to be notified by email when you receive a reply.
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28th March 2019, 10:13
Thanks for your help brendan.
As I mainly use my phone to add posts I'll keep refreshing it manually (somehow...).
Is anyone else sick of proving they are not a robot lol?
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28th March 2019, 10:17
I've found the best way refresh the page when using my phone is to go to where it say 'Home Forum', i think it's under the search bar, and press 'Forum' - this should then refresh the page.
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28th March 2019, 10:20
Gazzar, look at Listener home page re prizes
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28th March 2019, 10:47
Thank you brendan and gem94 - I shall email them!
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28th March 2019, 10:53
Gazzar, it's such a coincidence, you posting about winning the Listener. If you look at the Inquisitor 1587 thread on this page, you'll see Malone and I discussing winning and, in my case, not winning various prizes, and me speculating how great it would be to win the Listener (although, as I stated, given that I've only ever been able to complete 4, it's something of a long shot!) :-)
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28th March 2019, 12:20
Gazzar, glad I helped with the It/the other. Hope you get your Listener prize fairly soon.

Brendan, I've never won any Listener prizes, but I only ever do the easier ones! That, of course, means there are likely to be a huge number of correct entries - making my chance of winning even more remote!
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