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26th March 2019, 16:51
Hi janhulme, simply swap them.
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27th March 2019, 11:46
As ever I'm a fair way behind. Could anyone help with 6 across?
They lost fully occupy clubhouse lift.
I have all but the first letter which points to something I could order in an asian restaurant.
Have I something wrong?
thanks to anyone who can correct or parse
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27th March 2019, 11:56
Williamseal, my answer is simply a word for 'lift' as in 'steal'. I don't know what your Asian order could be, so don't know how accurate your letters are. The answer is a four-letter word for 'fully occupy', with one letter dropped (hence 'almost fully...') then add the clubhouse.
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27th March 2019, 13:53
Thanks Malone

I now see - I was thrown because I had W for woman - hence *IL*W

Again my appreciation. You are always so very helpful. If you have nothing on for the rest of today why not go to Westminster and give them a hand?

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27th March 2019, 14:03
Williamseal, that was very kind of you. I try to be helpful as I've always appreciated the help I've received when it's been needed. My 'help' can sometimes be wrong and my parsing is often less than thorough!

PS I can't imagine anything worse than spending a day at Westminster right now … unless it's spending two days at Westminster right now!
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27th March 2019, 16:07
I thought this was great, as with all schadenfreude puzzles. Only loose end for me is parsing 29a. I have the unchecked latter as an a making a word that means does destroy, but don’t understand how poets rootstock fits in. Thanks
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27th March 2019, 16:18
Hi smellyharry, rase is referred to race³ in Chambers.
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27th March 2019, 16:34
Thanks ginge. I see it in the hard copy of chambers now, but doesn’t seem to be referenced that way in the app, unless I’m missing something.
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27th March 2019, 21:04
Thanks Ginge. I was looking for something more complicated! I was imagining that they should become vertical in some way!
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28th March 2019, 07:42
A lovely puzzle with a pleasing endgame. I can't completely parse 1d (the other = 'it'?) but no matter...
Thank you Schadenfreude!
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