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3rd March 2019, 09:40
For 1a I have a three-letter word for "everything" inside BAST.

I haven't got very far with this puzzle and the preamble still doesn't make much sense to me and I have come across a few clashes. A hint for 16d would help a lot, thanks:

Ridiculous claims about America not forgetting strange desert phenomenon (11, 2 words). ??S????M???
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3rd March 2019, 09:50
The preamble is definitely one of the most convoluted I've seen! It gave me a headache reading and re-reading it but it starts to make sense once yiu get into the puzzle.
16d is anagram of claims around the usual term for America, with a short conjunction for 'not forgetting'.
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3rd March 2019, 09:51
Typical - musical sand I think, but that clashes with my 38a.
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3rd March 2019, 09:54
Hi Orson, yes there is a clash there
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3rd March 2019, 09:59
Thanks, muraria.
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3rd March 2019, 10:24
Muraria, the name is of the person who have the ruling. The given name indicates the row 'pig's the surname which indicates the activity which the group performed.
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3rd March 2019, 10:27
Sorry that should have said 'gave the ruling ' and 'plus '.
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3rd March 2019, 10:36
Ah, yes, many thanks Ozzy!
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3rd March 2019, 11:13
I agree about the Preamble. The row with the motto and its jocular alteration leapt out fairly quickly, and I can see that the giver's surname (2 words) can be made from some of the clashes - am I on the right track? I have three of the stationary statuesque lovelies, but would welcome a nudge towards the others (12, 13, 6 all there). Hope I'm not giving too much away.
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3rd March 2019, 11:21
Hi cockie,

You're on the right track but the name of the ''giver'' I think you're thinking of doesn't feature in the resolved clashes, the group is the collective name of those who he managed.
The five clued parts are a disparate group with one person in common, the remaining two are at 14a and 41d.

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