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18th February 2019, 20:05
Hi saoralba, I no longer have the puzzle but still have my worksheet; it's an anagram of
GoInG gReY (alternate letters) + W(abbreviation for with) + (dy)E.
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18th February 2019, 21:52
I'm grateful for that help as I was convinced that 'lost' mean an E had to be subtracted. It's not an anagrind I've seen in more than 30 years of solving advanced cryptics.
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18th February 2019, 22:00
Hi again saoralba, because I no longer have the puzzle I couldn't give you the appropriate indicators.
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19th February 2019, 08:17
Finished the grid and found place, date and remark but still don’t understand how to change the letters.Tried to get a name or a relevant word in the diagonal but nothing! Please help!
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19th February 2019, 08:26
Jadzia, just take the letters on a trip - move them round on the …. The remark stays the same, in a different position - it'll alter some of the surrounding words.
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