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1st November 2019, 16:35

Thanks. I'm relieved there's not a Davy who is a PU member/contributor to this thread!
991 of 2514  -   Report This Post


1st November 2019, 16:52
Grunger Malone Jigjag

I`d love a trip to Aberdeen - having only ventured beyond Hadrian`s Wall previously to visit Edinburgh & Glasgow.

As well as your good selves I`d like to thank all who have contributed to the PU thread as it approaches 1,000 - particularly Chrise, and not forgetting Rossim who came up with the name.

All forum members are welcome to post here and join in the fun! ✨
992 of 2514  -   Report This Post


1st November 2019, 17:07

Next year's Halloween jaunt will be fun, looking forward to seeing you then. (PS I'm sure you'll know to wrap up well, Aberdeen can be seriously cold at times!)

That was lovely of you to thank all the PU members and PU Thread Dropper Inners. I, too, appreciate all the contributions (even the cricket ones!) to this thread. Pedantically speaking, we haven't always dealt with pedantic stuff - but some of the diversions have been highly entertaining
993 of 2514  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2019, 11:49
Well said, Tyke and Malone. I too have appreciated all contributions, both from regular and occasional posters. It has been a lot of fun.
994 of 2514  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2019, 12:39
There was a letter in today's Guardian saying that (like us) the writer had only had one set of trick-or-treaters, but added that there is now a convention that houses prepared to welcome them display a pumpkin lantern. Has anyone else heard of this? (We hadn't put one out either.)
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2nd November 2019, 16:12
I'm too curmudgeonly to appreciate people knocking on my door at inconvenient times (add Xmas carolers), sorry! The police provide a notice you can put on your door that evening, which is essentially the opposite of a pumpkin! 😀

(Nudging towards 1000 ...)
996 of 2514  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2019, 20:04
Steve & Chris

As I type, the fireworks are going off all around my estate - when I was a kid we lit proper bonfires and had parkin, baked spuds and toffee to eat (good old Mum!) I loved it then but am always glad when bonfire night`s over nowadays.
Good to hear from you Steve!
997 of 2514  -   Report This Post


3rd November 2019, 11:27

The pumpkin convention is here too
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3rd November 2019, 11:29

This is an invitation for you to make the 1000th post
999 of 2514  -   Report This Post


3rd November 2019, 11:35
Thanks...but it'll have to be a grumpy post! There are no pumpkins outside my house at Halloween, just a big, bad witch inside - me, moaning about pumpkins replacing turnip lanterns, the 'trick or treat' nonsense...
1000 of 2514  -   Report This Post