Jigjag Grunger
Playing Scrabble in USA you have to go by their word list. If words like CAKEWALK have been culled it wouldn't be difficult to get to 238. Our estate agents have been urged to avoid 'master' bedroom (connotation of slavery). I can't believe USA Scrabble will have gone that far.
Bridge Rule of 11 is the main one. There is actually a Rule of 1 saying that there is usually no point in drawing the opposition master (sorry!) trump - usually wasting two of your own trumps - when it's bound to win a trick anyway.
Oddly enough the Covid Rule of 6 in England is a relaxation in the sense that up to 6 different households are permitted indoors. Thus social bridge at home has become more legitimate. I'm interested only in duplicate, however, so have to make do with online sessions.
Yes, the Russia v India chess online final was agreed tied when two Indian players suffered disconnection. It happened to Armenian players in the semi-final v India but they were defaulted because it wasn't such an extensive (almost worldwide) outage as in the final. Needless to say the Armenians were not happy.