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23rd December 2019, 17:42

Yes I have been to Nandos/Nando's many times. I usually have half-a-chicken, but it is irritating that included items are described as sides. I have given up querying this, and I just ask for "half-a-chicken, rice and chips with no side dishes, please." They always get it right.

If you abandoned the EV, I am glad I didn't start it. Pity, I had been looking forward to a straightforward Christmas one.

You will have to pay attention to catch the bin wagon in the nanosecond between Thursday and Friday. Hope it is worth staying up for.

1161 of 2514  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2019, 17:49

Cheer up, there is no way round it. I had a similar problem last week.

The mince pies were £2 a box or 2 for £3. I bought 2 boxes and was asked to donate one to a local charity. This avoided your problem, but when I asked the cashier if I was donating the box that cost £2, or the one that cost £1, he couldn't answer me.

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24th December 2019, 07:40

The garage mince pies story sounds … rather daft! I think it was a well-intentioned plan, but not not ideal. Anyone, like you, buying the pies for themselves then looks rather uncharitable. The solution could be to purchase two boxes, one for yourself, one for the hospital. This could be the latest equivalent of BOGOF - now BTGOF, Buy Two Give One Free. It doesn't have quite the same ring to it.


Good to know you're well-acquainted with Nando's - someone has to be! No, it's a perfectly fine food place. I decided to stop calling it a restaurant when I discovered the logistics of eating there - sit down, peruse the menu, go to counter to order and pay... A little later, food arrives at the table and I have to get up again, to add my chosen selection of condiments, spicy sauces etc.
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24th December 2019, 12:29

I agree about the logistics of eating there. You spend as much time on your feet as eating - not a great ratio. But I do like the chicken, probably as good as I've had anywhere. It is a very popular eating-place, the two here are always crowded.


I think you should try Malone's idea - surely they will accept one box.

I should like to wish you both, together with all who read or contribute to this thread, a very Merry Christmas.

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24th December 2019, 16:38
Thanks Malone and Jigjag

Presents wrapped, sprouts peeled and crossed, pies baked. Feet up with Times crossword - pleased to see ..........ess in it. I should like to wish all Pedants a very Merry Christmas.
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26th December 2019, 07:24
Grunger, Jigjag

Thanks for the Christmas greetings. I hope you - and all PU members, PU-minded people, had a great day yesterday. I hope too that all pies were tasty, that quinoa featured on no-one's menu and that the crackers were … cracking.
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26th December 2019, 11:10

Thanks. I had a lovely Christmas Day and hope you did too. I hope Grunger enjoyed her peeled sprouts. I was surprised that she crossed them. I would never upset a sprout, there might be repercussions.

I sent the empty beer cans to Tyke. They are having difficulties with bin collections in Yorkshire and I thought it would help to improve his re-cycling coefficient.

I hope you liked the box of chocolates I sent you. I know you prefer full boxes to empty ones, but I had to try a few in case they had gone off. Happily they hadn't.
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26th December 2019, 11:21

Christmas here was lovely, glad you enjoyed yours.

I chuckled at your 'I would never upset [cross] a sprout' remark. My mother-in-law used to say she 'scored' them. My non-voiced reply was 'I'd give them 0/10 myself.' Grunger's cooking is often quite adventurous, maybe the peelings will have formed the basis of the latest pie variation? (And I just hope Grunger doesn't use them in, say, a Dundee cake recipe, one calling for 'peel'. That could result in something very odd.)

I'm sure Tyke is thrilled with the gift of empty beer cans, though he might be overwhelmed by your generosity.

A few of your chocolates had 'gone off' - in that they weren't present in the box. I was relieved to see that all my least favourites - the coffee, the very hard caramel and so on- were conspicuous by their absence.
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27th December 2019, 17:09
Just joined. How do I post a message? alanfi
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27th December 2019, 17:19
Hello, Alanfi - and welcome! If you want to post on this thread, just do what you did a minute ago, click on the Reply To This Post button. If you want to start a new thread - with a particular crossword query or a new topic, there's a Start A New Thread option, in the bottom right (I think!)
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