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30th December 2018, 10:51
Hi Smithsax

The two alternate characters can be replaced by a 5 letter word-the thing they were transformed into.

You then make the changes of the B clues and highlight names.
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30th December 2018, 11:02
Ah thanks. Very simple in the end. I thought I was missing something.
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30th December 2018, 15:43
All finished so just like to tidy up bits of parsing that I didn't get.

34 - don't see the wordplay
3 - don't understand the definition
17 - don't see the wordplay

Having 2 threads definitely works for me. I was able to get a nudge earlier, on the other one, knowing that I wouldn't inadvertently see other answers, so thanks all.
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30th December 2018, 15:57
Hi, simond9x,

34ac: (L)OST REA(L)
3dn: it’s an &lit clue - anagram of EC(la)IR is someone who may transform an eclair.
17dn: someone who is a starter may be a setter-up. Remove the two t’s (crusts = outside letters) of toast and reverse.
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30th December 2018, 16:15
Thanks wintonian (again!)
Yes, I should perhaps have seen all of those. Ah well.....


All the best for 2019 to everyone.
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31st December 2018, 14:20
Hello Meursault

My best wishes for the new year - you have been very helpful to me in 2018.

If you haven't signed off could I ask for a final set of assists (as they say in football).

Assuming that B3 goes in the top ...
who is the individuals responsible? Is there an alternative spelling for the King in Winter's Tale for example.

A very enjoyable crossword - thanks to all
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31st December 2018, 15:16
Hi Wiliamseal, thanks for your kind comment.

Swapping B3 into the top row allows the Roman version (6 letters) of Leto to appear. Perhaps I was quick to be critical in an earlier comment, since I now see on the wikipedia page for Niobe, that it was (according to Homer) Leto who punished Niobe by sending Apollo and Artemis to kill all her children. If she had enough influence and power to do this, then probably Leto could have been responsible herself (and not requiring the power of Zeus) for turning Niobe to stone. So that accounted for Niobe.

Then you have the character who (after swapping in the A answers) appears instead of Niobe. In this case, wikipedia is quite explicit that this character was turned to stone by Perseus, who appears at the opposite corner of the grid from Leto after swapping in the B answers.

I hope this helps, and best wishes for the New Year.
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1st January 2019, 12:29
So.... Do I do the A replacements then the B replacements and then identify and highlight the persons. Is one of the highlights diagonal?
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1st January 2019, 12:40
Hi phil535. There are no diagonals. Before you do any replacements, look for one of the characters who met a particular fate (central and horizontal). Do the A transformations and these change said character to a different character (who met the same fate). Then do the B transformations to reveal the two responsible and the chronicler. (Again, all horizontal). Finally, change the central character... what were they turned to? There are real words at every stage.

Happy new year to all on the forum. And thank you for all of your help in my first year of dedicated listener completions.
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1st January 2019, 13:12
Happy New Year all. Found this one tough - brain probably not at its best due to excess. I have finally just about grasped it all but can’t quite see the second victim, possibly because A3 is stumping me. Fuel Block is not in my Bradford’s but I think it should be plug but that does not lead me to Phineus unless I am looking in the wrong place or totally barking ....
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