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5th November 2018, 08:08
Thanks - sorted now
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5th November 2018, 08:13
You're welcome, Don.
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5th November 2018, 09:45

You might well be right, in the crossword world, but I was thinking of legal English. I remember when I was studying Company Law that there was a case about "Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares". It was held that an adjective qualifies all the items in the class of the noun. Thus all the Preference Shares were cumulative and also redeemable. Thus "overlong down answers" means that all the down answers are overlong.

We sometimes get "Across clues contain an aditional letter...." and this means they all do.

It is an interesting point. I dont know if a lawyer could advise us. If it is ambiguous, the setter could have said that some of the down clues were overlong.

By the way, I am glad you are back on EVs as I will need your help on this and others!
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5th November 2018, 10:05
Help with 2a please
Rhetorically see beyond exposed prize poet ( 9).
I have??R?A?E?Y

Apart from this one a cracking puzzle.!
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5th November 2018, 10:31
prize poet is the poet ???????? .....remove the outer letters ... then add a see (3 letters , the usual one a crosswords) defn is rhetorically
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5th November 2018, 12:19
Thank you, Scarlett
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5th November 2018, 13:39
Jigjag, interesting stuff - thanks! I still think this is a good, cunning example of crossword-speak, though it would be too ambiguous for 'proper' English and legal English.

PS I only ever think these things are good if I've resolved them myself! There have been times when I haven't and I have then moaned and said 'that's not right, that's not fair'.
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5th November 2018, 17:21

Yes fair enough, I will have to be more tolereant. we only Speke and rite proper English up 'ere!

I fell into the same trap as Always Puzzled. I assumed the items were on the Theme Line, and when I got the toad answer, I put EM in one cell. This was puzzling when I got the golf one!

I thought this was clever and fair. By the way, the lamb variety I mentioned on your thread today, is much tastier than the pork one.
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5th November 2018, 18:49
Thank you to everybody for the various hints. on this thread.
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8th November 2018, 21:54
Please can someone help with a few hints, I'm completely stuck on the SE corner!
23d Grand idea at last to subjugate Chinese democracy (5) 4th letter N
28d Part of calendar is back to front (5) I have SI-A-
32d Finally remove one's make-up gel? (4) I have E-N-
I have the symbol but have no clue about the 7 letter name at 22a. Any hints welcome please
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