So I'm late to the dance. You'd think this would be easy for me, eh? It's a bit of a challenge though. I have all the answers but 43A, which seems to require that FAT be there (in order that a utopian chicken might fly the coop), but I don't see the parse. I have all of the thematics and the author (of course!), and I certainly see my loony celestial creation, but I don't have any clashing letters in it as mentioned in the instructions. I also don't see why GRIP is replaced.
I hesitated to check in here, since it seems like something that annoying Socrates might do (such a busybody), but I finally gave in. I still have a few questions.
I don't quite get the parse for 17a: DIALING.
Ditto 35a: GRIP
For 24D I have SCOURS, but don't see the reasoning for the second S.
Any hints?