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20th August 2018, 18:25
Thanks malone. orson, ginge.
I think I have completed it.
Do not know how to parse 6d, 11d and 12d.

Thanks to Google also for giving the episode and the name of the book.
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20th August 2018, 18:37
Glad I could help, Sunray. Earlier I didn't say much about the clues you've just mentioned - that's because I got a couple of those finished only because I was doing the thematic bit! For 12 D I seemed to have too many drinks for a while, but was happy with the final answer.
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20th August 2018, 20:12
Yes I see it all now too, sunray.

6d - bay is a horse, stroke is pat, see the last five letters in Chambers.

11d - if you spell something you come to understand it. That was new to me.

12d - if you do this you start to do something, I suppose. Drink = sup with te(a) and p.
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20th August 2018, 22:30
Thanks orson.
For 6d, Pat + Stern gives Astern with T extra. But why is "to row" in the clue?

11d. I finally parsed it as STreet for thoroughfare. And Pile (Building) inside.
So got Spilet. If E is extra letter for 11a., it becomes Spilt.
Past tense of Spell would be Spelt. So I becomes extra?

BTW, my 5d is Dees. I did not bother to parse it. Deep would be incomprehensible. Why articles, I don't know.
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20th August 2018, 23:03
Sunray, to stern means to row backwards it seems (Chambers says backward).

11d is spelt = spelled = understood. All obscure and new to me.

And I have never come across deep as a noun, but apparently an article that is difficult to read is a deep.

I think given how specialized the theme is (impossible without the internet unless you're an enthusiast) to add on such obscurities is going one step too far for an EV. The preamble could at least have said that not all entries are in Chambers.
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21st August 2018, 15:14
Thanks orson.

I worked backwards for many answers.
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27th August 2018, 10:27
After being away for a few days I attempted this EV. Whew what a struggle! I have a complete grid apart from just one letter in
14a: 'Boy spotted hiding copper beside mountain'(6)
I have SALEE?
The extra letter given by the wordplay is C and there must be a P in the solution which is not entered into the grid.
Any help gratefully received.
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27th August 2018, 10:34
saleeN 2 p's come out...SPcALPeen

alp - mountain
seen - spotted
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27th August 2018, 10:35
(spalpeen is a rascal/boy)
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27th August 2018, 10:42
Thanks kirky!
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