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20th August 2018, 16:20
The extra letters from the down clues give me BOOK TITLE AND AUTHOR, malone. Have I got wrong letters?
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20th August 2018, 16:21
Hi all, I'm out and don't have the puzzle in front of me.
If you have what's given by the across missing letters look up the particular episode (3,7,4) and it should become clear.
Yump or yumpie was the term used before yuppie.
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20th August 2018, 16:22
Thanks, Orson, I see what you mean now. Ginge's information is spot on!
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20th August 2018, 16:41
I should have thought of the (3, 7, 4) more. I found The Car and H's Car because I thought there might be a parking problem. It takes quite a lot of searching!
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20th August 2018, 16:44
Glad you got there, Orson. I wondered if lots of other solvers would know the details right away, I certainly didn't!
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20th August 2018, 17:03
Thanks malone and ginge.
My knowledge of 1950s shows in UK is zero.

Will try to solve the clues first.
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20th August 2018, 17:21
Sunray, the first word - given by the additional letters -was the most helpful.
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20th August 2018, 17:45
Thanks malone.
I found the series, Is 3,7,4 anything to do with a sparkling item on the finger?

Unfortunately I do not have extra letters from all down clues yet.

I did get 29d. Many years ago, I worked with a guy thus named.
I also got 18a. Superman's alter ego gave me punt.

I have 12d as 4,2. But cannot parse it.
Drink tea and last of pop inside? Come on! (4, two words)

I have a U in the answer. Don't know where it is in word play.

Still 4 to go.
orson, if you can give hint on 5d...

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20th August 2018, 17:52
Sunray, 15d the defn is the last two words. Another word for talk, then the usual newspaper boss (2 letters) put in backwards with K as the extra letter. I must admit I'd never heard of difficult to read articles called by this word.
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20th August 2018, 18:00
Thanks orson.

I think the episode Is a different one. The last word starts with P and makes sense with what we had to remove from the grid.

I found the first three words from the book so I am close.

Still working on 6d, 11d and 14d. Will try the hint from orson on 5d.
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