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19th August 2018, 19:45
Sunray, NOT the 'i'. One part of your action is covered by 'an additional letter not to be entered' and the other part is covered by 'the effect of which is evident in all entries'.
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19th August 2018, 20:14
Thanks malone.
In the answers I have I see one letter common which is the first letter of 1d,
I will try removing it and see how it works out.
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20th August 2018, 15:24
In most clues, the wordplay leads to the defined answer and an additional letter not to be entered in the grid.
The answer must have at least one P.

29. Mint collects Laotian currency (no longer silver money) (at least 5)

33, Charitable man mainly supports parish race (at least 5)

18 Controlled young rat circling Jock's punt (at least 5)


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20th August 2018, 15:43
Sunray, have you any letters for any of these?

18 A three letter word for a young rat, a four-letter Scottish word for punt (as in bet, I think)
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20th August 2018, 15:48
Hi sunray. 33d, a charitable man is a Lion. Most of that goes below an abbreviation for parish. The answer is not in Chambers.

I've filled the grid apart from 5d and 26d. I wonder whether 26 is to do with what girls do when they get their exam results but I cannot parse it apart from the meadow bit.

The puzzle seems to be about a radio show from the 1950s but what publication would be associated with that?
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20th August 2018, 15:56
I've got 5d now. Some obscure stuff in this crossword!
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20th August 2018, 16:06
I agree, Orson! Maybe the setter thought the thematic stuff would give us too much of a way into this one?
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20th August 2018, 16:07
Thanks orson and malone.
orson, I have jumping (Leaving ground) for 26d but cannot parse it.

33d, I had Palin but did not see it in Chambers so questioned it.

5d, I have ?EES.
I also have 6d, 14a, 11d and 12d to solve.

29. AO?O Laotian currency is kip or att.

18. E???. Is Pup the word for young rat? Ante would be punt or bet.
But that makes 7 letters, Grid has 4. so three Ps in word play?

I wonder if the remaining ones have more than one P.

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20th August 2018, 16:15
29 Think of a famous British mint - that you can suck!
18. Yes, the pup is the young. The punt isn't either of your suggestions. You'll be dropping two Ps and also the 'additional letter...'
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20th August 2018, 16:16
Orson, I don't understand your mention of 'publication'. Your 1950s stuff is right.
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