A view (please indulge the rambling of a relative newcomer).
I always attempt to solve a clue and I find it remarkable to suggest that anyone on a forum like this might follow the process of "clues they don't "get" just being ignored".
When I cannot solve a clue I obtain the answer and then analyse it. This results one of four reactions:
1. Very clever: I should have spotted that
2. I have never heard of that word (obsolete, obscure, foreign language, modern slang, technical term etc)
3. I can see how the setter got there, but I don't like it.
4. I need someone to parse it for me (leading to 1, 2 or 3 above)
Without categorising ginge's winning entry, suffice to say that it won on a fair vote so perhaps I need a further category 5 - I'm not bright enough for this forum!