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18th August 2018, 15:59
Thanks for the sentiment but I reckon this site's not a shadow of its former self - Norah has completely knocked the stuffing out of it.
11 of 35  -   Report This Post


18th August 2018, 16:02
Thank you chris, though the Latin is beyond me (got 25% for O level, which was the highest in the class so clearly the teaching NBG). Do finally understand the parse.
What doesn't surprise you, rambler? Anyway, good to see you, I thought you must have gone to the great footpaths in the sky. I think of you every time I treat my moles to some meths
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18th August 2018, 16:05
Not surprised you didn't parse it, Rosalind - you were in good company.
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18th August 2018, 16:09
Actually, having looked again, what tells you to think do re me? Just askin' because if you understand these things you get better at clue solving (maybe, in my case).
14 of 35  -   Report This Post


18th August 2018, 16:12
Hi rambler, good to see you still look in and I for one miss your contributions. It does appear debating differences of opinion (without being abusive) is not encouraged. I would remind others the preamble points out that a parse may be requested and it surprises me that contributors (I accept well within their right) cast votes with clues they don't "get" just being ignored.
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18th August 2018, 16:12
I didn't get it - I thought what have the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers got to do with it.
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18th August 2018, 16:26
Rosalind, for me, what made me think on the line of DO RE ME
is the 'DO' in the clue. May be Ginge will not agree, but it worked
for me.
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18th August 2018, 16:31
Thanks pigale. For some completely unknown (and mistaken) reason I always thought it was spelt "Doh". Must be the Homer Simpson effect!
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18th August 2018, 16:38
I have a feeling that both spellings are accepted, but to me, DOH
relates more to what I might say when I feel stupid - which is quite
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18th August 2018, 17:06
Interesting that, of the 14 contributors, 6 (including me) have admitted that they did not understand the winning clue until it was explained to them.
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