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12th August 2018, 21:41
Sunray, I find Spoonerisms very tricky and seldom get them - I think they should be abolished!
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13th August 2018, 08:09
Cockie - yes you are on the right track. Inside part of 21a will set you in the right direction. Parsing of 23d is ozone as heard (picked up) Helped that I am a chemist!
Anyone help with 33a? I have I think the entry but cannot parse it.
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13th August 2018, 08:34
Ionexch, for 33 A, once the thematic stuff is removed, it's just a double definition (I think!).
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13th August 2018, 09:32
Thanks Malone - I found the chap def.
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13th August 2018, 11:04
help please with..
10d Veteran Murray Walker talks about this game (5) ?AI??

25d Passed on, abandoning man in black, and didn't do well (5) E?RED probably erred but how does it work?

9a Miss snubbed good-for-nothing (4) ?O?E
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13th August 2018, 11:13
9a lose(l) i presume
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13th August 2018, 11:27
25 Referred, passed on, loses the Ref, man in black.
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13th August 2018, 12:24
Thanks chips!
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13th August 2018, 13:05
10d an anagram of an abbreviation of about + this. The answer is an archaic synonym of talks.

I've got the 12 members of the team but I can't make sense of the rest of the preamble. The 6-word phrase? 21ac? (staring at it, can't make any sense of it, even after spotting possibly existing words in its middle) ; the traditional thematic victim? I can't find any of these, let alone connect them to the line-up I highlighted in the grid. Any hints, please?
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13th August 2018, 13:11
Have you got the link involved in the members of the team, what connects them all? The 6-word phrase is a proverb/saying that involves the ????? (the word describing the people).
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