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12th August 2018, 14:40
Twelve clues contain two (often non-adjacent) extra words that
must be removed before solving

35a Short man with list regularly seeks to control variable joints. (12)
32a Nation made him into TV hero: how? (5, 2 words)
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12th August 2018, 14:48
Hi kirky, both are "normal" clues.
35a. Think of a famous film title man's surname + list.
32a.Think Terry Nation.
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12th August 2018, 14:55
Thanks ginge ... got 32a now ...will work on the other!
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12th August 2018, 20:04
I'm surprised to see so little comment on this, as I'm finding the endgame tricky. No, "obscure" would be better. I've a filled grid apart from 21 (which I've got most of, but don't understand yet) and 23 which I can't make head or tail of. I think I've got the 12 pairs of extra words, some of which would appear to lead to Christian names. Am I on the right track?
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12th August 2018, 20:13
Cockie, I thought this was good fun. Yes, it's forenames you get from the extra words - to finish you need the rest of the names. I didn't get a proper answer for 23 D, but the thematic stuff fixed that for me. The title doesn't refer to the US!
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12th August 2018, 20:36
Cockie, I decided I should make sure of 23 - the definition is the at the end of the clue. My answer worked fine, but I didn't parse it.
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12th August 2018, 21:08
I have no idea how to parse 23d but St. Emilion Bordeaux
wine fits 23d. Am I correct?

The top half is still blank.
2. Spooner's kept Twin Peaks director on track; he's flying! (11)
I can fit a bird in the last 5 cells. Does it start with L?

13. ...initially dictated poem about a set of His instructions (9)

What is the def? First two words seem extra.


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12th August 2018, 21:13
2 Yes, it begins with L. Look up the Twin Peaks director.

13 You need the D, initially dictated... Instructions/His instructions is the definition.
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12th August 2018, 21:14
Sorry, Sunray - yes, it's the wine for 23 D.
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12th August 2018, 21:21
Thanks malone.
I am not good at Spoonerisms. The Peaks director gave me L and the five letter bird.
I wonder if there is web site that "de-Spoonerises" a phrase.
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