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2nd August 2018, 17:59
alwayspuzzled, saoralba - I wasn't happy with 27dn either.
My reading of it is that the E is the usual prefix for anything web related and that's the kind of 'surfer' we've got. The 'I predict' is a substitute for something like 'I suppose'.
Not a good clue if this is how it works (rather like the other dodgy definition you mention).
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2nd August 2018, 19:46
drxx - thanks for that explanation of 27dn, but (like you) I can't see that 'I predict' is really appropriate. It's not as if the surface reading of the clue requires it; 'I predict diver' is nonsense as well. I wondered if 'I predict' was originally meant to go in the clue to 7dn, with 'I guess' in its place in 27. That would improve 7 but still be mince in 27.

Another clue that was quite clever but a bit contrived was 5dn. If alwayspuzzled is still in doubt about it, it's worth saying that light will dawn if you look in Chambers for the reverse of the grid entry. Perhaps Auctor is either German or a bit of a poet.
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2nd August 2018, 20:06
Thank you Teenieleek and Saoralba.. Some funny clues and clueing in this.
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5th August 2018, 10:01
down to my last one please:
16a Miscreant Right Reverend all but placed in the rear (5) i have ?RHIN for the grid entry ( the banished letter is E)
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5th August 2018, 10:03
i'm thinking errhine ... is the hin bit from hind ?
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