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31st July 2018, 15:08
Wordplay in the moved-definition clues is often quite straightforward (eg 23dn has one letter removed from a fairly obvious cricketing bowler, 21dn's answer can be read in the clue itself) so you know the remaining part/parts of the clue are the definitions that need to be moved.

Once you get enough answers you can match them to the moved definitions (in the case of 21dn I found the definition very obscure indeed).
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31st July 2018, 20:07
If 25D is the obvious anagram of the abbreviation of transaction + our, then it's a city - not a town!
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31st July 2018, 20:14
I have only two clues left but have identified only 6 banished definitions. At first I thought 30a was the definition for 16a, but I now think maybe 30a is a normal across clue. Is that right? If so, I don't have a definition for 16a.
Help please!
My last two clues are
6a Offering in front of pop is excellent - I have S_AD_A but needs extra v I think
31a Sadly Islam bars entering right festival for Turks (2 words)- I have L_SR_AIRA_ but needs some extra e's I think
Any hints gratefully received!
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31st July 2018, 21:38
bobbibunny - You were right, 30 and 16 do match.
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31st July 2018, 21:45
Your letters are correct for 6 and 31 - both normal clues. The missing letter is H for 6 and, as you say, you need two Es for 31 (the first word of 31 is in English). The second letter of 6ac is not a vowel.
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31st July 2018, 21:59
6a is a Hindi word.
Can be spelled with one or two H.

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31st July 2018, 22:29
Thanks drxx and sunray. I got there in the end but some of those clues were quite obscure! Excellent puzzle though.
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1st August 2018, 09:51
i only need 30 across. I have _OROT_IN. I think the entry begins with A and at least one P has to be added. I think the definition is at 10 across.
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1st August 2018, 12:23
0pt0 - You're right about all of that (2xP).
I hadn't come across the word before and the definition could have been much tighter.
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1st August 2018, 16:18
Thanks DRXX: got it now.
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