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31st July 2018, 08:10
The 'ready' is the first two and last two letters of the answer (ready outside) - A(re) and B(ritish) are put inside to form the 'fortress' .
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31st July 2018, 08:11
Sorry, that should have been - the 'ready' is the first three and the last letter in of the answer, with..... B and A inside....
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31st July 2018, 08:13
Of course! Many thanks Malone.
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31st July 2018, 08:15
You're welcome, Bubber. Glad my rather muddled answers provided enough of an explanation!
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31st July 2018, 08:20
No, it was spot on. Think it was the singular ready that threw me. Can’t remember seeing that before. (Incidentally reading my earlier post I think it was unfair of me to call this particular puzzle frustrating. Let’s face it they all frustrate at times!)
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