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29th July 2018, 11:19
I found this a curate's egg of a puzzle with some good clues but also some a little contrived.

A reasonably obscure movie which had me scratching my head to complete the three groups involved until the P dropped with a huge DOOOH!!

Unable to parse 20 across (misprinted definition) and don't see any real logic for the position of the star in the completed grid.

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29th July 2018, 11:26
I agree, although did enjoy for the penny-dropping moment

20A: Def. is "dish with rice" = PIL (sauce returned) with AF (= FA="nothing" returned).
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29th July 2018, 12:03
Of course, Thanks.

"LIP" for sauce is in at the moment and I always forget " FA" for nothing. Ditto "NADA" and "ZIP".
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29th July 2018, 12:07
Bobbycollins, just for you - from today's Sunday Times puzzle...

12 D. FA stalled over a rule (3,1,7).
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29th July 2018, 12:26
Thanks, Malone - that's spooky, I've just printed it off for Mrs Bobbycollins!
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29th July 2018, 14:20
I'm stuck on the far right down unclued clue, as I have the letters B?L?FT, can anyone help me?
Also are the star's names (christian & surname) in different places on the grid?
So I presume I've got the film right but can't work out how the unclued answers are anything to do with it, did the star & co-star do more than one film together?
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29th July 2018, 14:24
P.S., because someone mentioned Doh! could I be looking for C???????? B?? B??????
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29th July 2018, 14:25
Mjk, that unclued is one of 'two words', mentioned in the preamble.

Yes, the names are in different places. I got the theme from the set of three males... they're all '??????', anagram of the film.
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29th July 2018, 14:54
Thank you Malone, I'll have another go at it. Is the top RH down answer in English?
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29th July 2018, 14:56
You're welcome,mjk. Yes, that answer is in English.
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